We all know their is an epidemic of youth falling away from the faith after high school. We all want to do everything we can to disciple them before they go to college.
So, we revamped the youth leaders network to be a resource for youth discipleship and evangelism where we can share some effective discipleship tools that will empower your youth for mission. We will share about our OCM (On Campus Missionary) Program for youth who want to learn how to engage their peers at school and promote on-campus events and discussions we schedule through the Christian clubs. We also provide school chaplain training and certification for youth leaders who want to engage kids at the schools as well.
We have also have several upcoming events at the center that will provide a neutral public space for your youth to practice outreach and mission.
Our first meeting is Thursday Feb 16 @ 6pm at the center. There will be dinner, worship, and a short training session. The whole family is invited!